Friday, April 9, 2010

Debate Questions

Honors Civics
Political Party Project
Debate Questions

These are the POSSIBLE debate questions for the presidential debate Tuesday, 4/20/2010 (We will not have time to debate all of them, but prepare for them).

Each candidate will have 2 minutes to answer each question with a chance for a 1-minute rebuttal.

Each candidate will also have 2 minutes to give a final message to the American people at the end of the debate.

Domestic Issues
1. What plan do you have to create well-paying jobs here in the United States? Do you have any specific plans to create a new form of industry?
2. What changes would you make to improve education for all Americans in this country?
3. How would you handle the increasing healthcare costs for Americans? Give your assessment of the recently approved healthcare legislation. Do you feel that it needs to be changed? If so, how?
4. Explain the basic outline of your federal budget if you become president. How do you plan on paying for government programs while keeping taxes at a rate that Americans can afford?
5. What would be your policy as president regarding immigration? How would you deal with the thousands of illegal immigrants coming into America each month?
6. How would you go about addressing the illegal drug problem in the United States at this time?

Foreign Policy Issues
1. If you become president, how would you handle the situation in Afghanistan? Do you favor troop withdrawal? Do you have a timetable for American presence there?
2. What is your plan on how to handle international trade? Do you favor tariffs and other restrictive trade policies or free trade?
3. How will you handle dealing with Iran as president of the United States?
4. If a nation develops a nuclear or biological weapon, do feel it is necessary to go to war with them to avoid a possible attack?