Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Friday, December 7, 2012

Due Monday 12/10

Executive Branch Guided Reading 4

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Swing Vote Reaction Due Friday 12/7

-Write a 1-2 page (typed or NEATLY hand written) reaction to the film “Swing Vote.”
-Your reaction MUST include the following examples from the movie:
-The attitude of American voters
-The role the media plays in elections
-How politicians and political parties attempt to appeal to voters

Remember, the “Bud Johnson” character (played by Kevin Costner) is representative of American voters. The movie is meant to show how political campaigns pander to voters.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Important Project Dates (Revised)

Tuesday 11/20: Presidential Candidate Debate

Wednesday 11/28: Final Drafts of Platforms Due

Friday 11/30: Presidential Speeches & remaining assignments due

Presidential Debate Questions

Format: Candidates will be asked questions from list below one at a time. They will have a 2 minute (max) response in which they should answer the question, but may also use their time to cut down the points of their opponents. They may also ask their opponents direct questions during this time. I will allow rebuttals for candidates if they were criticized during a response.

1. How do you plan on decreasing the unemployment rate in the country? What changes will you make to increase the number of well paying jobs for Americans?

2. What is your immigration policy? How do you deal with the millions of people who are living in the United States illegally?

3. What kind of commander-in-chief would you make if elected? What is your strategy for dealing with Iran and Libya?

4. What is your energy policy? How does it address climate change while keeping costs low for Americans?

5. How would you go about addressing the federal budget deficit? What programs would you cut or reduce and why?

6. What changes would you make to the tax structure, and how would it benefit the majority of Americans?

Closing Statement Question:

7. What makes you stand out as a presidential candidate over your opponents? Why should the American people choose you? (Include any relevant issues that were not addressed during the debate)

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Revised Due Dates-Political Party Project

Thursday 11/8: List of group members

Monday 11/9: Party officers and platform topics

Wednesday 11/14:Rough Drafts of Platforms
(Each count as 10pt HW grade)

Monday 11/19: Presidential Candidate Debate

Wednesday 11/21: Final Presentations/Speeches
Final Drafts of all work due

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Political Party Project

Full assignment located on my BMHS Site Under "Civics"

Friday, October 12, 2012

Monday 10/15

Chapter 2 Test Chapter 2 Review Packet Due

Monday, October 1, 2012

Homework Due 10/2

p. 47 q 1-6

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Due Thursday 9/27

Chapter 2 Vocabulary Packet

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Due Tuesday 9/2

Signed student/parent acknowledgement form

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Homework Due 5/16

Read pp. 496-499 Answer q. 1-5 on p. 499 Use small "Civics" textbook

Friday, May 11, 2012

Due Monday 5/14

Complete "Elections & President Assessment" using notes & "American Government" textbook

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Homework Due 5/10

"Swing Vote" Reaction Paper

Monday, April 30, 2012

Homework for Week of 4/30

Due Wed 5/2: p. 459 q2-4; Due Thur 5/3: p. 465 q3-5; Due Fri 5/4: p. 469 q2-4

Friday, January 27, 2012

Homework Due Monday 1/30

Turn in signed parent/student acknowledgement form

Monday, January 23, 2012

Extra Credit

For Each chapter assessment listed below, complete "practicing vocabulary" for 1/2 point each, "reviewing main ideas" for 1 point each. Due on Wed 1/25. Will not be accepted late.

Chapter 1-p. 24
Chapter 2-p. 60
Chapter 5-p. 144
Chapter 10-p. 286
Chapter 11-p. 316
Chapter 12-p. 348
Chapter 13-p. 386
Chapter 19-p. 560

Final Exam Schedule

Tuesday 1/24: Essay Questions
Wednesday 1/25: Multiple Choice

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Homework Due 1/4

Finish Congress Term Sheet