Honors Civics
2009-10 (Semester 2)
Mr. Meli
Final Exam Topics (Multiple Choice Section)
Principles of Government
1. Definition/Characteristics of a state
2. Direct democracy v. indirect
3. Theories on how governments are formed: Force, Evolutionary, Divine-Right, & Social Contract
4. John Locke’s philosophy on unjust governments
5. Thomas Hobbes’s philosophy on government (Leviathan)
6. Dictatorships: Totalitarian, Authoritarian
7. Parliamentary v. Presidential forms of government
8. What is federalism?
9. How does the U.S. have a “mixed economy?”
10. What does “majority rule, minority rights” mean?
11. Geographic distributions of power: federal, unitary, & confederate.
12. What are the duties and responsibilities of citizens?
Origins of American Government
Historical Background, rights given, and concepts taken by U.S.(13-15):
13. Magna Carta
14. Petition of Right
15. English Bill of Rights
16. Types of British colonies in America (royal, proprietary, charter)
17. How did Britain treat its American colonies prior to 1750?
18. Why did the British begin taxing their American colonies?
19. Boston Massacre & Boston Tea Party
20. 1st & 2nd Continental Congress
21. Why was a violent revolution necessary?
22. Purpose and philosophy of Declaration of Independence.
23. Structure, strengths, & weaknesses of Articles of Confederation.
24. Purpose of Constitutional Convention.
25. Plans for Constitution: VA & NJ
26. Compromises: CT, 3/5’s, Commerce & Slave Trade
27. Federalists v. Antifederalists
Political Parties, Elections, & Executive Branch
28. What are political parties?
29. Why are certain issues the focus of presidential elections?
30. Role of the President.
31. Qualifications for President (formal and informal).
32. Historical purpose for Electoral College.
33. How Electoral College works today
34. Powers of the President
35. Presidential Primaries and Caucuses
36. What areas are the focuses of the general election?
37. How a bill becomes a law
38. Role of committees in Congress
39. Gerrymandering
40. Difference between the Senate and House
Judicial Branch
41. Structure of federal court system
42. Function of the courts
43. Jurisdiction
44. Precedents
45. How a case reaches the Supreme Court
46. How the Supreme Court operates
47. Civil Rights v. Civil Liberties
48. Who is guaranteed rights in the Constitution
49. Amendments: 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th, 9th, 10th
50. Freedom of Religion: Free Exercise & Establishment Clause
51. Freedom of Speech & Assembly: What are the guidelines?
52. Due Process
53. Right to Privacy
54. Legal Discrimination towards African Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans and women.
55. Plessy v. Ferguson
56. Brown v. Board of Education
57. Civil Rights Acts of 1964 & 1968
58. Affirmative Action
59. Process to become a U.S. Citizen
60. Current immigration policy.
Current Events & Miscellaneous
61. Current representatives in House & Senate
62. North Korea: Totalitarian Regime
63. Surge in Iraq
64. Children’s March
65. Healthcare Reform
66. Gay Marriage
67. Afghanistan
68. Bp Oil Spill
69. Gun control