The Supreme Court &
The Balance of Power
Honors Civics
4th Quarter Project 2009-10
Mr. Meli
GOAL: Interpret the impact of a Supreme Court case.
Students will choose 1 of the following cases.
1. Mapp v. Ohio 2. Gideon v. Wainwright 3. Griswold v. Connecticut
4. New York Times v. United States 5. Kelo v. New London
Students must answer the following questions:
1-Who were the judges hearing the case?
2-When and where was the case?
3-What is the background story to the case?
4-What underlying issues surround the case?
5-Name 3 similar cases that the Supreme Court heard. Explain why they are similar.
6-How did the nation react to the decision?
7-How should the nation have reacted to this case?
8-Who nominated the judges involved?
9-How might the politics of the person nominating the judge reflect their feelings
on this case?
10-How many judges agreed with the case?
11-What legal ground did the dissent use to justify their reasoning?
12-What else was going on in the nation that had an impact on this case?
13-What other specific information could help someone understand the importance of this case?
14-Was the decision constitutionally correct?
15-How does the decision affect us today?
16-Why should your classmates and fellow citizens of the U.S. know about
this case?
17-How does the Supreme Court balance the power of the Federal Government?
1. The essay will explain how the court balanced the power of the government or failed in doing so.
2. Students will submit a typed essay that answers the following question:
-How does the Supreme Court balance the power of Government in the
in the _______________________case?
3. Students will persuade the reader that the case was or was not constitutionally justified.
Where do I find this out?
Use the following websites as starting points to get the information
____________/5: This sheet handed in with essay.
____________/10: Proper Format: Paper is typed 12 point font, 1.5 space. The essay is
no more than 2 pages plus a title page that is 12 font on the page with name, name of case, date due and period. Borders have not been changed.
____________/20: Information used in paper is cited in text. Works cited is typed and
MLA Format with at least 3 cited sources. (NO WIKIPEDIA!)
____________/50: Each of the questions (17) are answered correctly and typed out in
complete sentences attached to the essay.
____________/20: Spelling and grammar have no errors
____________/15: Essay has an UNDERLINED THESIS SENTENCE that directly
answers the question, “How does the Supreme Court balance the power of Government in the in the _______________________case?”
____________/50: The opinion of the author on the verdict is clear and the question
is answered thoroughly throughout the essay.
____________/30: Thesis is adequately defended in class roundtable discussion* (5
minutes each)
____________/200: TOTAL
*If you are absent for roundtable discussion, you must set a time with Mr. Meli after school or during 1st or 2nd period study hall/open period to defend thesis in order to receive points*
Paper Due Date: Tuesday, 6/15/2010
*Discussion Dates: 6/15 & 6/16
10% off (20 points) each class day late. No papers will be accepted after 6/18.
Hard copy must be submitted at the start of class on 6/15 to receive full credit (don’t ask me to allow you to print your paper on 6/15)