Sunday, March 7, 2010

Due Thurs 3/11/2010


-30 Points Total
-Your task is to write an opinion-editorial as if you are the editor of a newspaper from the 1790s
-You will be expressing your opinion on whether you support the Federalists or the Anti-federalists and their opinions on the ratification of the Constitution of the United States.
-Please use proper, formal English in your article, not slang or conversational language.
-Write this article as if it was going to be seen (with your name on it) throughout the country.
-Follow the format from the New York Times editorial (attached), where the issue is presented, then an opinion is given on how to solve the issue (with facts to back it up)
-Use this sheet to write down your ideas for arguments before you write out the letter (10 points)
-The letter itself should be 1-2 typed (double-spaced) pages in length, or 1 neatly hand-written page

Federalists Arguments Antifederalist Arguments

For Example Editorials, follow this link: