Political Party Project
3rd Quarter 2009-10
Honors Civics- Mr. Meli
You will be working with your classmates to form into political parties based common ideas that you share with the goal of nominating a presidential candidate. You will complete various assignments in which you will describe where your party stands on various domestic and foreign relations issues. This will be a long-term project that will require work to be done both inside and outside of the class time. You will be required to work both independently and as a group; compromise is part of the political process, even among those of you in the same party! You will still be responsible for all other classroom and homework assignments that will be graded separately from the project throughout the time we are working on it.
Outcomes of the project
Skills and Habits
-Various forms of writing
-Analytical reading
-Working cooperatively in a group setting
-Working independently
-Effective listening
-Public speaking
-Time management
-Effective questioning
Essential Questions
-What political issues are most important?
-What does a political campaign do?
-Who supports political campaigns?
-Where do ideas to change the country come from?
Basic Outline of Project
Step One
A) You will take two quizzes. The first is thirty questions whose responses will be averaged together to get a perspective on where you stand as an individual on a flat line of the left or right of the political spectrum. The second is the world’s smallest political quiz that measures where you fit on a diamond shaped graph of political ideas based on personal and economic issues.
B) After taking the quiz, you will move around the room based on your responses, so that you can determine where you fit as individuals in your class. You will talk to other members of the class and choose who you want to work with. Groups must consist of 4 members, with each member assuming an office (see page 3 with officer list & assignments).
Step Two
A) You will do preliminary research on possible platform issues via the web using politics1.com as a starting point.
B) You will come up with a name for your party and come up with a list of issues that you want to focus on.
C) Choose party officers (see attachment with officer duties/grading)
Step Three
We will begin to look at what the basics of party principles and platforms are; what they mean and represent to the party, potential voters, and the opposition.
Step Four
You will conduct in depth research to support your party’s platform ideas, principles and overall agenda.
Step Five
You will begin work on individual assignments based on the office you hold.
Step Six
Presidential Debate between candidates. Students who are not participating in the debate are required to complete debate evaluations during the debate and follow it closely without talking (as in real Presidential Debates).
Step Seven
Group Presentations of Party Materials. Presidential Nomination Acceptance Speeches. Voting for your class president.
How will I be graded?
200 Points Total
Assignment Breakdown: (FINAL DRAFTS)
Campaign Manager:
-Statement of Principles 50
-Newspaper Endorsement 50
-Platforms (2) 50
-Campaign Strategy 25
-Final Presentation 25
-Presidential Speech 75
-Debate 75
-Platforms (2) 50
Research Manager
-Bibliography 25
-Press Releases (5) 100
-Platforms (2) 50
-Final Presentation 25
-Party Logo & its meaning 25
-Campaign Brochure 25
-Campaign Mailer 25
-Platforms 50
-Final Presentation 25
2 of the following other art projects 50
-Newspaper Ad
-TV Ad
-Street Sign (full size)
-Campaign Poster (Large)
-Other Artistic or Multimedia Displays- Be Creative! (See me about approval)
*Rough Drafts will count as homework assignment grades (separate from the 200 Point Project, but still on 3rd quarter grades)*
Due Dates: To be announced due to school closings in March