Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Project Assignment Due Dates & Guidelines

Political Party Project 3rd Quarter 2009-10
Assignment Due Dates & Guidelines

Important Dates
Wed 3/31/2010: List of group members
Mon 4/5/2010: Party officers and platform topics
Wed 4/7/2010 Rough Drafts of Platforms
(Each count as 10pt HW grade)
Tue 4/20/2010 Presidential Candidate Debate
(May need 4/21/2010 to finish)
Fri 4/23/2010 Final Presentations/Speeches
Final Drafts of all work due

-Final Drafts must be typed in 12 point font, double spaced. Projects should be attached in 3-ring binder, folder, or report cover with all final drafts together.
-Final Presentations include all members explaining their platforms, the presentation of art/media, and the presidential candidates giving their nomination acceptance speeches.
-Final drafts of project will not be accepted late unless there is an EXCUSED absence on the due date. Arrangements should be made with your group so that all work is turned in on or before the due date.

Party Platforms (Every member must complete 2)
A party platform is a short description of what your party will do about a SPECIFIC issue if and when they win the presidency of the United States of America. The platform issues must be consistent with the political issues of the day. You must choose 8 per group, with at least one pertaining to foreign relations. Remember to use statistics and facts from sources (interest group websites, newspapers,etc.). You will need to cite them in your bibliography.
Outline of Platforms (3 Paragraphs minimum for each)
I. Introduce the Issue
Describe the basics of the issue that your party will be addressing
Use statistics to support your writing

II. Stress the need for action
Explain why this issue is need of change and reform
Use statistics to backup your arguments

III. Action
What will your presidential candidate do for this issue
Describe SPECIFIC policies and/or programs to address issue

Party Principles (Campaign Manager must complete)
A party principle is a very broad (big, not specific) idea that your political party stands for. Party principles are consistent and do not change every election the way that platforms do. These are the fundamentals of your party and are reflected in each of your platforms. (see,, or any party websites from, and click “principles” to see examples of party principles.

Outline of Principles (5 Total)
List 5 Principles, with a 2-5 sentence explanation of each. 3 of your principles should address economic, social, and security/military issues.

Campaign Strategy (Campaign Manager must complete)
Must include a one paragraph explanation of how your group plans to win the election. We will look at some examples of campaign strategy in class, especially from the 2008 Presidential Election. You must also practice what you preach, by following through with your strategy.

Newspaper Endorsement (Campaign Manager must complete)
You will write this as if you were writing an opinion/editorial section for a newspaper. You must explain the reasons why your paper endorses the candidate based on issues from the party platforms and principles. Refer to recent editorials supporting Barack Obama and John McCain for models. Endorsements should be at least 1 full page in length and include real platform items.

Debate (President must participate in)
We will have a debate between presidential candidates on Tuesday 4/20 (and continue on Wednesday 3/21 if necessary). If a presidential candidate is absent, they will have to complete an alternate assignment. I will go over the rules and structure of the debate next week, and provide you with the questions that will be asked. Students who are not debating must complete an evaluation form which I will go over next week and must remain silent during the proceedings.

Speech (President must submit and give to class)
This is nomination acceptance speech given in the format of a speech given on the final day of a political party’s convention where the party’s chosen candidate officially accepts his or her party’s nomination to represent them in the general election for President of the United States of America. It is also the time where the candidate lays out his or her plan for America once he becomes president (same as party platforms).
The speech you will write for the class is a much shorter one than the major candidates give during their conventions. You will be including 3 of your party’s platforms in your speech (choose the most important 3). Remember that the speech is meant to be heard by every possible American voter, not just our Civics class. Choose your words wisely to appeal to every voter. The speech should be no longer than 5 minutes when read aloud. Follow the outline below as a guide to write your speech.

Outline Format:
I. Introduction
A. Greeting & Thank Yous to Party Members and/or family
B. Tell who you are and what party you are running for
C. Tell why you are running for president
D. Explain need for change in this country
II. Platform Issue #1
A. What is it?
B. Why do we need action or adjusting?
C. What will you do as president specifically on this issue?
III. Platform Issue #2
A. What is it?
B. Why do we need action or adjusting?
C. What will you do as president specifically on this issue?
IV. Platform Issue #3
A. What is it?
B. Why do we need action or adjusting?
C. What will you do as president specifically on this issue?
V. Wrap up
A. Mention party slogan & explain what it means
B. Stress the need for immediate action
C. Closing points

Logo/Slogan & Its Meaning (Art/Media must complete)
Your logo and slogan should reflect something about what your party stands for and/or include a message of optimism or inspiration to the voter. The slogans should be short (1-5 words) and to the point. You must include a 1 paragraph explanation of your slogan and logo.

Campaign Brochure (Art/Media must complete)
Brochures should include basic information about your candidate and party, including platforms, principles, the party logo and slogan. Brochures are designed to inform the public about a candidate, and attempt to get their vote. See examples in class of brochures.

Campaign Mailer (Art/Media must complete)
Mailers are 2 sided papers that are sent in the mail to potential voters. They should include the candidate’s name, the party name and logo. The mailers may center around one issue (healthcare for example) or may address several of the candidate’s platforms. See examples in class of brochures.

Bibliography (Research Manager must complete)
You must keep a record of every website, magazine article, newspaper, etc. that your group uses for ideas, statistics, or any information in the project. Use MLA format for your bibliography (see for help with MLA).

Press Releases (Research Manager must complete 5)
Press releases are official statements given out to the media from an individual or group. They can focus on a variety of issues and topics.
For the purpose of this assignment you will be writing press releases from your political party’s campaign.
Each of your 5 press releases will focus on a criticism of an opposing party’s campaign platforms.
You may choose to target a specific party or simply criticize the argument that is the opposite of yours on a specific issue.
Each press release should cover a different topic and should be at least 2 paragraphs in length
Sample Press Release
Monday November 10, 2008
No-Nothing Party
By Bob Smith, Financial Manager
Today the American Public has received news that the Libertarian Party has included in its 2008 Party Platforms that the government should play no role in educating children and therefore wants to eliminate public schools altogether. This plan is outrageous and completely wrong for America. The need for education of all children is as necessary today as it was when public education became a requirement in the early 1900s. Without free, public education for all American children, millions would be left home alone, or in the streets during the daytime hours while their parents are away at work. The majority of American families cannot afford the huge costs involved with sending children to private schools.
The Libertarian Party prides itself as a group that is devoted to “caring for the people,” but their education plan is the antithesis of that statement. The plan to privatize all schools, turning them into industries for profit, NOT for the benefit of the youth of America is not the answer to solve the problems in our education system. The amount of money saved from property taxes that are now devoted to public schools will not offset the costs involved with educating children in a private school model. Under the Libertarian Party Education Plan, 80% of families with school age children could not afford to send them to school. This staggering number will put a strain on society the likes that have never been seen. America needs an education policy that will help all Americans, not just the richest 20%. We need to support public education, not eliminate it. We need to provide support to teachers and parents in struggling districts, not punish them. The No Nothing Party will do that with our education plan.